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Featuring a collection of one-off projects or clients that don't fall into a bigger category,

including TV spots, scripts and some re-branding through a complete website evolution.


" T H E  S W I T C H "  G L O B A L  B R A N D  V I D E O

Partnered with the team at Futuristic and Shopify

for script-writing duties that expanded their

"Switch" campaign to a global audience.


R O C K Y  M O U N T A I N E E R  D I R E C T O R ' S  C U T

Partnered with the insanely talented Director, Frank Pickell, and Producer, Dylan Stephens, to spin a new story that brings Frank's vision to life.


D E N V E R  N U G G E T S   H Y P E  V I D E O

Scriptwriting duties in partnership with Director, Thaddeus Brooks, and DP, Like Akelson, for this hype video for the 2021 season. 

Nuggets 2021 Hype Video
Play Video

N E W  H A M P S H I R E  D E P A R T M E N T O F  H  &  H  S

Wrote the script for this spot promoting awareness for New Hampshire's mental health and addiction crisis services, as part of a larger campaign including OOH, social, swag, trade show and more.


W O M E N ' S  W E L L N E S S  C O N N E C T I O N

Wrote the script for this commercial highlighting the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment's free women's cancer screening program in partnership with Lumenati Productions, SE2 and Flying Giant Productions.


B R A N D  P O S I T I O N  &  W E B S I T E  C O P Y

I teamed up with the husband/wife duo behind Denver-based Flying Giant Productions to better articulate their why and craft copy that brings it to life across their online experience

Design by: @bychaucee

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S E E  M O R E :  C U L T I V A T O R  |  S T I O  |  G A T H R E  |  R E A L  E S T A T E  |  A R T I F A C T  U P R I S I N G 

A D D I N G  M O R E  W O R K  A S  I T  B E C O M E S  P U B L I C,  S T A Y  T U N E D ! ! 

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